Monday, January 30, 2012


I hate to wake up so early in the morning to go to work, and just thinking “well, that’s the way of the world,” or “that’s just the way things are,” is not enough to justify to myself the waking up of so early in the morning.
I hate to wake up early in the morning, and the though, “I’m not lazy,” doesn’t quite give me the satisfaction to make up for the fact that I hate to wake up so early in the morning.
I hate to wake up early in the morning because I do it for something I don’t really care much about, and for people I don't know, and the thought, “I’m a productive member of society,” doesn’t quite give me the incentive to do it so early every morning.
I hate waking up early in the morning. I don’t mind working, but I hate it that I have no choice and can’t do it when I want to; I have to do it everyday for five days a week because I have to buy food, pay for my roof, and buy clothes (they got me by the balls).

Saturday, January 28, 2012

While we can

Let’s not rush to decadence where we have to explain our opulence
Let’s stay hungry—not starving
Let’s shake and agitate
Let’s not drown from too much and let’s not perish from severe lack
In the meantime
Let’s express ourselves while we have coherence
The time may come when we’ll be too close to our source and we will make sense no more
Let’s spend our energy now that we have it
The time may come when once it disperses, it does not return again
Laugh now as often and as loud as we can
Because later the funny will elude us
Cry and be emotional now that we can
Because later the numbness won’t let us
Be foolish now while we can because later we’ll have to explain ourselves

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Clipped-winged wonder

It is like looking at you through a window
You are like us, a
And how we dance
We, the clipped-winged wonders
Sometimes awkwardly
Sometimes in tune
Sometimes out of whack
Sometimes even sublimely
But always touched by a hint of the grotesque
We are what we are
So I look at you as if through a window
Sometimes you seem close
Sometimes hopelessly out of reach
But there you are      there you are

Thursday, January 19, 2012


I dream of the day when people will realize the pointlessness of their oppressive ways, a day when people will realize that even though their bodies mature (because no body wins the fight against time), their selves remain spiritually childish (and some of us even remain mentally so).
I dream of the day when people will finally break their boundaries and zip past this artificial delay. We want the most toys and we want to dominate. We are children in a playground un-sophisticatedly going through life.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Planet wanderer

I’m a street writer
I get inspired outdoors
You probably saw me somewhere with a backpack on
and a beer in my hand
You probably saw me taking a notepad and a pen out and putting words down on paper
You saw me rolling a cigarette and you probably thought nothing of me
But you did not see me for long because I go places: I’m a street writer and a planet wanderer

Monday, January 16, 2012

Of course we feel bad

Of course we feel bad sometimes
We haven't always made the right choices
But it is not something the lights reflecting on the tiny ripples of the water cannot handle and make feel better
It isn't anything that the greenery of the spring season cannot deal with
The wild flowers cannot soothe
The overflowing green leaves – along rivers and parks – cannot alleviate
The drinking of a beer – or two or three – in the afternoon cannot ameliorate
Or the smoking of the occasional cigarette cannot lessen
Of course we feel bad sometimes, but it's nothing the lonely stars of the city of Berlin cannot identify with
Yes we feel bad, but the weeping willow understands

Sunday, January 15, 2012


This is written with the spirit of desperation coming from Detroit’s battered neighborhoods
This is for the ones at the brink of homelessness
It speaks for the already homeless
Sleeping in front of stores in Montevideo and in the parks of Berlin
It speaks to the confused who can’t “get with the program”
To whoever needs a push to follow their paths
And to the traveler running out of funds and growing old
If this is not for you, put it down
Line up to see what everybody else  is looking at
Be one of the crowd – yeah, and still think that you’re unique
Who cares?
It’s OK, you’ll probably never get what a drag, what a bore, you were
Of course you’ll never get what a pathetic life you lived
Your life meant nothing
You were one of the million-junk-food-costumers
Another drone
Your brain was paper weight
You could’ve wasted away on drugs and it wouldn’t have mattered—but perhaps you would’ve had more fun
You sat on the passenger seat and ate ice cream—you looked bored
You repeated what you were told to repeat
You wore what you were told to wear
You went to work when indicated
And you went to war when ordered
You wasted precious life in front of television screens
You were only a line in the tally, a dot in the statistical curve
Moooooo! Mooooo! Moooooo! Goes the cow
Baaaaah! Baaaaaaah! Baaaaaah! Goes the sheep
Be happy chasing after body parts that self-lubricate
Go play with a herd of male organs
Go on
This is only for those who haven’t made up their mind whether to live or to leave
For the ones inconvenienced by the pesky game of survival and the efforts to mask its grotesqueness
(To package it, and to present it as something decent)
This is for the one that sits alone at midnight staring at the water
If it’s not for you, go on, read Walt Disney
This is for the one awake at 3 am thinking WTF?
The one looking around in frustration and puzzlement
Not fort the followers of celebrities. (Oh no, I too poop says the celebrity surprised and disappointed)
This is for the desperate on the verge of suicide, for the disgruntled with no way out
—It won’t make sense to anybody else—
This is for the ones who understand the passion and pain of the penitent
This is for “smart” people
The system destroys whoever doesn’t “get with the program”
But why keep quiet about it
We insist in belonging to a corral, and if we don’t, we make one for ourselves
I may not be a wolf but to me one sheep is as good as a cow
This is for anybody in the system
These are combative writings, the writings of an underdog, not bedtime stories
We are what we are and do what we do because we refused to give in to the cookie cutter
Now we suffer the pressure meant to break us