Wednesday, January 4, 2012


You will never understand, you will never comprehend
But you will have children
And they will have children
And you will build villages, and towns, and cities,
And you'll create languages (or perhaps one will be given to you)
And you will believe
And you will label
And you will divide yourselves among yourselves
You will fight in wars and escape with your life by a miracle
(Or die most freakishly)
And you will be driven by instinct
And want nothing else but to reproduce, to feed, and to relieve yourself
You will know how to keep yourself healthy (or not)
You’ll know how to make money (or not)
And you will hate others
And you will love
And you will laugh
And you will cry

You will speak in hushed tones and in low voices
Or scream as loud as you humanly can
And you will smile soliciting company
Or you will chuckle nervously
You will court a woman (or a man)
You will create laws and break them
Or lay your life upholding them
You will kill and you will travel (or stay put)
And you will abandon your family or your family will abandon you
And you will invent
And you will manipulate
But you will never understand
You will never comprehend
And you will think you are better than others
And you will chase them away
And you will want to save yourself
And you will look at the birds and will want to fly
You’ll have pets, and pets will have you (you will be somebody's pet)
And you will notice the cycles and you will be a part of a cycle, and you will imitate cycles
And you will be a cycle within a cycle
And that cycle will be a cycle within another cycle
And you will be misunderstood
And you will be flattered
And you will be adored
And you will be watched
And you will be ignored
And you'll strut
And you will limp
You will stand (or sit)
And you will lie down on beds or on the grass or the sand or the dirt, and you'll wish to be older, or younger
You’ll wish for things you will not withstand
Or wish for too little
And you will wish you didn't understand
And you'll wish you understood more
But you will never understand really

And you will create order
Or promote disorder
And you will look around
Or straight ahead
You’ll stifle a cough
And you will run, walk, or stand still,
And you'll get tired, or be restless,
But you will never understand, you will never comprehend
You'll be numbed
You’ll be terrified, sad or glad
You’ll write poems, compose songs, play instruments
You will draw and paint
You’ll notice the summer, spring, fall, and winter
And you will write for hours
And your heart will ache
And you will stare for hours and do not comprehend still
You will be alone and wish for company
You’ll have company and wish for solitude
You will be hot or cold
You’ll sweat and be dry
You will swim
You’ll paint your face and talk close to the one next to you
But you will not understand, you will not comprehend
You'll be outside wanting in
Or inside wanting out
You will love the day and hate the night
Or hate the day and love the night
You'll move at night and stand still in the day, or vice versa
You’ll get tired of reading this and think there is no point to it
And be annoyed by the ands

Your turn will come and your turn will end
And another cycle will begin
And again will happen again
And you will realize you are imprisoned and know not what to do
You'll look around and see others, prisoners as well, who will not see you (or the prison)
And you'll choke and hate the blind and hate your shackles
You will peer in between slots and above rows
And you will peer from around columns
But you will not understand
You will never get it
You'll know that it’s all a farce
And you will partake of this farce and want more
But there will be no more

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