Monday, January 9, 2012

What do we say in the end?

In the end what do we say?
That we drove cars, flew on planes, or that we watched sunsets.
That we watched TV shows on huge flat screens or that we watched the stars in the desert.
That we were mostly anxious or mostly relaxed
That we found time to find ourselves or that we never knew what or who we were.
That we lusted after fame (and even found it), or that we searched for what made us truly happy
That we understood what being happy was or that we thought we knew but were wrong
That we dared to be true to ourselves or that we languished cowardly in corners for fear of ridicule.
That we unraveled the puzzle of living, made peace with our restless spirit, mastered being alone or that were always terrified of it.
That we spent our lives in homemade cells or tried our darnedest to break out of them
That we lived in isolated mansions or that we felt
this planet, and the universe itself through our skins
That we lived hoping for the future and forgot the moment or that we forgot the future and lived the moment?

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